The EPSC Executive Committee briefed the Congressional Western Caucus (CWC) meeting in Washington, DC on Friday, March 8, 2013. Utah Representative Roger Barrus, EPSC Chairman and Alaska Senator Cathy Giessel, Vice Chairman and Alaska Senator Lisel McGuire presented the approximately 70 Congressional staffers and stakeholders with background on the EPSC as well as issues facing states related to domestic energy development. Both organizations stressed the importance of collaborating on policy initiatives. The CWC Executive Director suggested that state legislatures pass resolutions in support of other state’s interests while Speaker Boehner’s staff suggested creating a task force between the organizations to identify strategic opportunities on ways to collaborate. The discussion was a continuation of dialogue between EPSC & CWC that was initiated by discussions between Rep. Barrus and Rep. Rob Bishop (R, UT 1), Chairman Emeritus, Western Caucus who presented to EPSC at our December meeting in Austin.